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“Simply put, the outer layer (epidermis) has been damaged, compromising the skin. Compromised skin no longer has the ability to function as normal. ”

Compromised skin causes two main challenges:

1. The skin can no longer hold onto moisture as well, causing dryness, flaking, itching, and redness.

2. The skin can’t protect itself as well, making it more vulnerable to environmental toxins, harmful UV rays, bacteria, allergens, and harsh chemical ingredients in personal care products.

The same challenges are also presented when managing aging skin.

These challenges if left untreated result in also compromising skin immunity. Skin immunity is a property of the skin that allows it to resist infections from pathogens. Deregulated immune responses can also cause skin disorders, such as psoriasis. The skin cannot resume its normal function until the immunity issue has been treated.

Furthermore, if you have other imbalances in the body this can further compromise the skin.

Compromised skin presents in the skin in many different ways.


The skin attempts to repair and protect itself by producing an abundance of oil which presents as oily skin. Harsh stripping cleansers and wipes also further exacerbate oil production.

How we treat your skin?

Alison has partnered with O Cosmedics, Australia’s leading professional skincare brand. O is based on decades of scientific research and clinical data. Using only the purest combination of medical-grade ingredients and cosmetic science.

Unlike traditional ‘feel good, smell good’ cosmetics with insignificant levels of active ingredients. O uses potent ingredients that have a perfect affinity with the skin. Used in their recommended doses they trigger cellular activity in order to change cell behavior (re-optimisation).

O Cosmedics is clean beauty at its best, free from nasty chemicals, gluten and vegan friendly, and cruelty-free.

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